You're checking me out because you know me, and if you know me, well, enough said.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Checking Out

I don't understand how some people can function without going on vacation every few weeks/months. Seriously, call this my stating an obvious fact for those of us still in graduate school, but you reach your breaking point and all you can do is seriously just check out and leave before your brain melts. That's how I feel right now. I'm finally done for the week and am out of here in the morning, and it couldn't have come at a better time.

Don't get me wrong—life has been pretty good in terms of relationships, school, and work. But when everything starts piling on top of one another at a frightening pace, I tend to freeze up and want to escape. I just hit that point, and it's really funny how well timed tomorrow's flight is.

Yeah, quit my whining and my weeping, you're going away! I know, but that's not my point—I'm not rubbing that fact in. I just wanted to be very clear in expressing how thankful I am that sometimes, when it's most needed, life can be somewhat put on hold.

Thank God.

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