You're checking me out because you know me, and if you know me, well, enough said.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Now the real question is, will you be one of my daily readers? I think yes.

I can't believe it's almost the end of September. Before you know it, Christmas (I know, I said it—consider it a friendly reminder that it's not that far away) will be here and another semester, gone, over, and another year complete.

So, as my first official post, because I know you're so interested, let's review my year thus far:

I suppose the easiest way to progress through the year would be through my travels (I mean, for those of us who are in this publishing program together, I'll just forego talking about school).

January & February
  • Worked, studied, and played.

  • King Tut was in Philadelphia at the Field Museum. This would be his last stop in the U.S. before leaving for London and returning home to Egypt.

  • I bought my plane ticket and museum pass for Spring Break 2007.

  • The lovely Raquel allowed me to stay with her and her family while we visited the legendary king, who—

  • turned out to the biggest disappointment ever! His liver was encased in the gold "sarcophagus" that the museum's flyers displayed. NO BODY.

I don't want to talk about April. It came and it went.

  • Cancun, Mexico! I needed a vacation sorely and it couldn't have come soon enough, for the following reasons:

    1. My last final was taken two days earlier and spring semester was over!

    2. I needed a severe break from work and people. Seriously.

    3. My skin needed some color. Yes, I know I have tan skin. Believe me, I was paler than normal.

  • My best friend and I had a king suite overlooking the beach.
    It was so relaxing.

  • We swam, drank, and partied every night, while making new friends from all over the world just for those days.

  • It was exactly what I needed—time away from the world.

June & July


Ready? I went to three places:
  1. Toronto, Canada—
    drove around 6 hours straight to the U.S./Canadian border with the family. Purpose of the trip was to see extended family I hadn't seen since I was a baby. It was a fabulous time—I took my two cousins to the Toronto Zoo, ate plenty of Indian curry, and saw Ripley's Believe It or Not! museum again (shrunken heads and all). Oh, and I drove 7 hours back.

  2. Knoxville, Tennessee—
    visited my aunt and her new little home. It's a beautiful city and was a good taste of the South (literally). I saw Kudzu for the first time. Uh, scary leafy people stuff.

  3. San Francisco, California—
    first time visit to the Bay area and I loved every minute of it. John and I visited Alcatraz (of course!), Lombard Street, Giradhelli Square (why did they decide to relocate the chocolate factory?), the stadium, and ate and drank a lot. It was lovely.

  • Which leads me to today. I'm back in classes. Vacation travels are over (hm, guess that's where all my money went). Ah well, I'll have to start planning my next one soon enough.

Til next time. I know you can't wait.

1 comment:

Raquel said...

Yay! I'm so glad you have a blog! Lovely layout too. I'm looking forward to reading your Wongalicious adventures. By the way, I can't believe you didn't mention the delicious Cuban food that you ate all of when visiting my house in March! ;) I'm teasing. Come back and visit any time.