You're checking me out because you know me, and if you know me, well, enough said.

Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year's Eve!

Okay, seriously, yes, I suck. It has taken me over a month to write anything for this blog and of course, it's the last day of the 2007 year. No wonder I don't have a job as a columnist (though next semester, I will be trying to do that weekly for class). Well, I guess that also explains why I've been so bad at keeping a diary over the years. But I won't bore you with the details.

My first entry was a reflection of the months and major highlights that were worth mentioning. I suppose, the last few months have been full of blood, sweat, and tears...literally, although the blood, well, anyways, it's been a stressful fall. School's finally complete for winter break (hallelujah) and I've been off from work for a week now (I love a low-key vacation when you really just don't have anything to do), so mentally, I'd say I'm doing quite well. It's funny how relaxing life can be when not stressing about deadlines.

It's been a good year - interesting enough with the relationships I've developed and kept. Already 2008 is looking to begin in a likewise similar manner. I am starting my new job position at my company in the editorial department next month, along with my Art Editor position of gathering artwork for the Spring issue of Emerson's Redivider. Top that all off with my final full semester of classes starting up in three weeks, and there you go, another busy beginning to the new year.

Might as well think about some of my new year's resolutions:

  1. Wake up early and be to work on time.

  2. Don't drink coffee.

  3. Don't drink too much alcohol.

  4. Sleep more.

  5. Eat healthier.

  6. Start going to the gym.

  7. Be with friends and family more often.

  8. Get straight A's again and graduate summa cum laude.

  9. Be a good girlfriend and plan a vacation with him.

  10. Work hard and do my best in everything.

  11. Go to church every week.

  12. Read my Bible and pray daily.

  13. Don't compromise my goals or dreams.

  14. Love openly and without judgment.

Yea, I suppose that's about as good a sum up of the year and the year to come. Good luck all and best wishes in celebrating the last day of yet another speedy year.