You're checking me out because you know me, and if you know me, well, enough said.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Bloggers of Color

Okay, I know it has been ages since I wrote (forgive me, school is absorbing all my free time), but I strongly encourage you to keep checking in on me now and again because you just never know what you might be reading next.

For those considering a blog, I say yes, do it, speak up for yourself, and if you need a little bit of encouragement in terms of what to talk about, how about starting with yourself and what matters most to you?

I'm an Asian-American woman. Break it down: Fijian-Indian/Chinese-American. Break it down further: born overseas yet raised in Boston. Yes, I am an American and my ethnic break-down is from good old India and China. But I am an American. Why repeat myself? Because sometimes people can't seem to separate the two. If you don't look a certain way, act a certain way, speak a certain way, or behave a certain way, you're immediately dismissed as being different, strange, and I daresay, un-American. Might I remind you, eventually, this beautiful world is going to start mixing it up, and more and more people are going to end up looking a lot like me and trying to balance two different types of cultures and/or ethnicities. What then? Embrace it because being different is beautiful.

Why the words? Check out today's Boston Globe article about bloggers of color, and viola, wouldn't you know, I may be one of them.

Read on and enjoy.